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Lucas Neil....Hahaha

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Vlads Quiff

By Jason Burt
Published: 11:07AM BST 24 Aug 2009

Lucas Neill doesn't have a football club, so far, this season. So he isn't earning a salary from one. The 31-year-old defender's contract at West Ham United ended on 30 June after the two sides failed to agree terms. West Ham wanted their captain to take a hefty pay cut – partly dictated by the new financial reality at the club; partly because, maybe, at £60,000-a-week he was being over-paid anyway.

Lucas Neill will have to drop demands to stay at West Ham
High demands: Lucas Neill must lower his wage demands to keep at Upton Park Photo: REUTERS

After all Neill signed up for West Ham two-and-a-half years ago when the club, under Eggert Magnusson, was splashing the cash (remember that £85,000-a-week deal for Freddie Ljungberg?) and turned down Liverpool and Champions League football for a relegation scrap at Upton Park.

But Neill, after a patchy period, did well for West Ham. And West Ham did well for the Australian. A wage of £60,000-a-week – that's £240,000 a month so, over roughly 30 months, that's £7.2 million. For a right-back. A good one but not a great one.

So West Ham wanted him to be paid, its understood, £30,000-a-week and offered a two-year deal. Neill refused. After all others at the club were earning far more and he was the captain. Also this was probably his last Premier League contract so he stood his ground. West Ham also offered him two years – it's thought Neill proposed 12 months at more like £50,000 to £60,000 a week.

Negotiations continued and, in fairness, West Ham relented, upping their offer. Now it's thought they would pay £35,000-a-week plus appearance and bonus money taking Neill to within a couple of thousand pounds of £50,000-a-week.

Again he refused. So his contract ran out and since the end of June he's not been paid. So, if we take the £35,000 basic wage and multiply that over, say, seven weeks then Neill has missed out on £245,000.

It's a staggering figure but so are virtually all estimates of footballers' wages. But if Neill and West Ham were, approximately, £10,000 apart then he has, in not receiving any money, already missed out on almost half a year of that difference.

In the mean time Neill, a free agent, has spoken to Sunderland and Galatasaray while West Ham manager Gianfranco Zola has become puzzled and angry by his now former player's stance.

"I'm sorry about this situation, but I don't understand and don't want to comment," Zola said. "He was in talks with West Ham, then I find out he was in talks with Galatasaray and with Sunderland. Now I don't know what's going on. But he's out, and that's no good for him. For the moment, he's not our priority in that position." In other words, goodbye.

What a close escape we had, money grabbing prick

Exactly VQ - money grabbing cunt. It must be killing him ! Ha ha - both he and his agent are bloody numpties, seems even basic maths is beyond them.

Unless of ocurse his agent wants him out of there to get a signing on fee for himself elsewhere - in which case Neill is an even bigger dumb bugger than I thought.
Horrible Cunt. To think we would have to had to cheer him on in our shirt.
Its a gamble for him. The reality is he will end up at a club probably getting what he wanted at West Ham. Its sickening, absolutely sickening
Lucas Neill... absolute disgrace, or a player approaching 30, with not that much talent, looking to secure the best he can get get for himself and his family? Whilst I echo the above comments to some extent, when I read about what has happened to Dean Ashton, it does make you thing about how ephemeral a footballing career is. Potentially, every player is just one tackle away from the end of everything they have ever worked for. Damn, a large proportion of injuries don't even involve a challenge (Li'l Luis springs to mind)
The older I get, the more I think players are right to think with their heads and not their hearts. It makes the Carraghers of this world all the more special, because they are so few and far between.
The guy is an embarrassment.

Respected him heaps for his performances at Blackburn and for Australia - most notably against Uruguay over 2 legs and the World Cup.

BUT, lost all respect for him when he turned LFC AND Barcelona, and instead following the money all the way to West Ham.

Which kinda shocked a lot of people, because up until then he was seen not only as a very good player but also a decent lad.

BUT, his ego has got the better of him since leaving Blackburn and post World Cup 2006 and the mainstream success that the Australian national team has enjoyed back in Australia.

Cahill on the other hand could easily go to a club in the Champions League - but has shown good loyalty to his club, despite that club being BlueShite.
[quote author=Roopy link=topic=35422.msg931192#msg931192 date=1251122636]

Cahill on the other hand could easily go to a club in the Champions League - but has shown good loyalty to his club, despite that club being BlueShite.


And which club would that be?

United? Doubtful
Chelsea? Very unlikely
Arsenal? No, can't really see that
Us? No way

He could have gone abroad but maybe he likes it in England, in which case why leave BlueShite?
[quote author=iffythebiffy link=topic=35422.msg931185#msg931185 date=1251121961]
Lucas Neill... absolute disgrace, or a player approaching 30, with not that much talent, looking to secure the best he can get get for himself and his family? Whilst I echo the above comments to some extent, when I read about what has happened to Dean Ashton, it does make you thing about how ephemeral a footballing career is. Potentially, every player is just one tackle away from the end of everything they have ever worked for. Damn, a large proportion of injuries don't even involve a challenge (Li'l Luis springs to mind)
The older I get, the more I think players are right to think with their heads and not their hearts. It makes the Carraghers of this world all the more special, because they are so few and far between.

I see your point, but Neil is not being realistic. The situation of turning down £30k a week at West Ham when you are not a very good player is daft and I would suggest probably better than anything else he is going to be offered. The problem is he was on £60k which was clearly an inflated figure for someone of limited ability.

[quote author=Loch Ness Monster link=topic=35422.msg931126#msg931126 date=1251116791]
How on earth will he pay his bills?
Hope he never signs another contract again, mercenary cunt.


Was gonna post then saw this and it sums up my thoughts bang on!!
[quote author=Rory Fitzgerald link=topic=35422.msg931006#msg931006 date=1251111026]
Sounds like the kinda player Carra would 'do' in training , also, some things are never forgotten

It was nearly 'done' on the street,from Carra's book. 😉
[quote author=Richey link=topic=35422.msg931194#msg931194 date=1251123023]
[quote author=Roopy link=topic=35422.msg931192#msg931192 date=1251122636]

Cahill on the other hand could easily go to a club in the Champions League - but has shown good loyalty to his club, despite that club being BlueShite.


And which club would that be?

United? Doubtful
Chelsea? Very unlikely
Arsenal? No, can't really see that
Us? No way

He could have gone abroad but maybe he likes it in England, in which case why leave BlueShite?

I think he's very capable of playing at any top side.

His talents are being wasted at BlueShite, which on the back of his solid performances for them shows that he is a very good player.

There is more to his game than just heading and being in the right position at the right time.

I think he hasn't left partly because he is loyal to his contract & that BlueShite would want premium price for him. I hope, from an Australian perspective to see him playing in UCL soon (but not with the blues).

Anyways, enough Cahill - resume the Neill bashing.
Yeah he is a money grabbing cunt, but then, so am I.
I would have had no problem with him at Liverpool, the guy is a good full back with Premiership experience.
Why Lucas Neill is the Dicko of Australian football

I’ve been getting stuck into Lucas Neill lately over his ridiculous holding out on signing a deal with West Ham and felt I had said enough – at least until I got an email from one of my contacts imploring me to get stuck in again: “I think it's time you took it to the next level and put the boot into Luca$h Holman-style!â€

He was, of course, referring to my vitriolic essay on Brett Holman published on TWG back in June that garnered one of the biggest responses seen on this website for some time.

Then came the extraordinary outburst by Julian Dicks midweek in the English press, in which the former West Ham great raised the issue of Neill’s inflated sense of his own worth: “Is it me, or am I missing something here? He's 31. Hardly in his prime but he does a job at right back. He gives the team a bit of steel.

"He's an uncompromising figure and knows the Premier League very well. But he's 31! I am told he was offered a two or three-year deal with the Hammers on about £40,000 a week.

“The word is that he was on £75,000 a week and was obviously unhappy at the reduced wages. But, come on, £40,000 a week! It's time he showed the club a little loyalty.

"I can understand that every player must look out for himself financially and I know only too well that a career can be a short one but £40,000 a week for the next couple of years ain't bad, is it?

"I used to earn £650 a week and thought I was rich… Mr Neill needs to get a reality check.â€

Indeed, Mr Dicks. Bravo. Well put.

So, withstanding my reluctance, it is perhaps appropriate to weigh in on this issue once again.

Neill needs to stop thinking he’s missing out on £35,000 a week and start thinking about what he’s really losing by carrying on with this game of brinkmanship: the respect of his teammates and the respect of fans, both at West Ham and back here in Australia.

With each passing day a little bit of Neill’s halo gets chipped off.

As Dicks rightly points out, he “does a jobâ€. He’s not an Arshavin. He’s not a Drogba. He’s not a Terry or a Lampard. He’s Lucas Neill, a player without a club whose options have been to go to Sunderland or Galatasaray or stay at West Ham.

Hardly like having Réal Madrid, AC Milan and Barcelona in a scrap for your services.

And he’s not quite the immovable colossus of the Socceroos rearguard he perhaps likes to think he is. A few alternatives have stepped up in the past year, and most recently against the Republic of Ireland (a game that Neill sat out), to suggest he’s not entirely indispensable.

Neill’s hubris reminds me a bit of Ian “Dicko†Dickson, the self-regarding judge from Australian Idol who was lured away after two seasons at Ten for bigger money at Seven, then found life wasn’t all that great away from Idol and returned to Ten with his tail between his legs, a chastened and wiser man.

As Dicko told Andrew Denton on the ABC’s Enough Rope: “I probably believed my own hype far too much and overestimated my abilities… I know I’ve felt relief beyond words when I was able to go back to the comfort and safety of the role that I was known for and a role I still feel comfortable in… I felt a little bit shabby having gone away.â€

The difference, of course, is Dicko had the humility to go back and admit he’d made a mistake. Whether Neill can do the same, and whether West Ham welcomes him back with open arms, remains to be seen.
What's Lucas Neill's priority?

A week or two ago at a bar somewhere deep in the bowels of swinging Razorhurst, or Darlinghurst as it’s more commonly known today, I had a drink with a well-known football media personality.

I could name this person, but I won’t, because it’s really immaterial to the story but what they went on to say is worth protecting their anonymity given their close association with Football Federation Australia and current Socceroos.

Let’s call this person X.

X was livid about Lucas Neill, the Australia captain, flirting with Turkish Süper Lig club Galatasaray, the home for some time now of fellow Socceroo Harry Kewell.

“I can’t believe this guy,†X railed. “We’re a year out from the World Cup, the most important thing in Australian football for four years, needing our team to be at their absolute best, and right at the time when we need the captain of our side to be playing at the highest possible level, week in, week out, he has a chance to sign a contract extension with West Ham, keeping him in the Premier League, the biggest competition in the world, but instead he’s arguing over money, already more money than he’ll ever need, and choosing to go play in

f***ng Turkey!

“What does that say about his priorities? Verbeek would like every one of his first XI playing in the EPL but arguably our most important player, Lucas, our captain, goes for the money instead of the challenge. Turkey is good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a B league.

"Not even on the same park as the EPL. It’s easy football. Easy money. I’m so mad about it. And so should Pim and the FFA be.â€

I could only nod my head and swivel what was left of my nine-dollar glass of shiraz. X was right.

Give it a day or two, but by next week Neill looks set to sign with the Istanbul giants in a deal set to be worth $7million a year after rejecting West Ham’s offer of $60,000 a week.

As one SBS report detailed: “With taxes in the UK spiralling to 50 per cent for high earners, [Neill] saw the high wages and less punitive tax structure of Turkey as an added incentive. At Gala, free agent Neill would expect to pocket nearly $4 million a year after taxes, plus be the willing recipient of a hefty sign-on fee.â€

Nice coin.

And even if he does to an 11th-hour U-turn and sign with the Hammers – that can’t be ruled out, anything can happen in football – he won’t have endeared himself to anybody, least of all Hammers fans, whose misgivings were best expressed by one fanzine blogger when he said Neill “clearly had no ambition to stay at Upton Park and was holding out for the highest bidder this summerâ€.

More of concern to me, though, is how Socceroos fans feel about him and his decision making.

This is not a discussion about his virtues as a player. That is for another day. This is a debate about what is best for Neill and what is best for the Socceroos. What should take precedence 12 months out from a World Cup where, barring a total change of heart from Verbeek, Neill will be leading our nation onto the biggest sporting stage of all?

In my view, as in X’s, if Neill goes to Turkey he is shortchanging the Australia cause. Harry Kewell’s case is different. His club didn’t want him. He wasn’t playing regular first-team football.

In contrast, Neill’s club does want him and he is one of their most important players and their captain.

There are players in the green and gold swapping clubs and flying around the globe to be playing football at the best level available to them so as to keep themselves in the selection frame for the World Cup.

Neill, Australia’s captain, should be leading by example and setting an example. But on the evidence so far he is coming up well short.
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=35422.msg931262#msg931262 date=1251127738]
Lucas Neill's halo ?

You Aussies are nuts

Nah, the English are nuts for drinking that piss poor excuse of a beer called Fosters.

Not even we drink that shit here.
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35422.msg931303#msg931303 date=1251130103]
Most of us dont, just some chavs.

However, I have tasted 'VB'. I mean, really, WTF?!

Mate ... there is rat piss, and then there is VB!

I'd rather drink Methylated Spirits than that shit!
[quote author=Roopy link=topic=35422.msg931310#msg931310 date=1251130508]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35422.msg931303#msg931303 date=1251130103]
Most of us dont, just some chavs.

However, I have tasted 'VB'. I mean, really, WTF?!

Mate ... there is rat piss, and then there is VB!

I'd rather drink Methylated Spirits than that shit!

Crown? That bottled stuff with the gold top - that aint bad.
[quote author=Mors link=topic=35422.msg931324#msg931324 date=1251131018]
[quote author=Roopy link=topic=35422.msg931310#msg931310 date=1251130508]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35422.msg931303#msg931303 date=1251130103]
Most of us dont, just some chavs.

However, I have tasted 'VB'. I mean, really, WTF?!

Mate ... there is rat piss, and then there is VB!

I'd rather drink Methylated Spirits than that shit!

Crown? That bottled stuff with the gold top - that aint bad.

Na shit also mate.

Your VB's and Fosters are the cheap shit, that is sold as cheap shit.

Crown is basically VB or Fosters that is rat piss, but sold as a "premium" Aussie beer.

A good Aussie beer is St. Arnou (not sure if that's available overseas).
He was a very good defender and that hasn't changed dramatically now he's gotten older.

Glad he chose West Ham though.
[quote author=iffythebiffy link=topic=35422.msg931185#msg931185 date=1251121961]
Lucas Neill... absolute disgrace, or a player approaching 30, with not that much talent, looking to secure the best he can get get for himself and his family? Whilst I echo the above comments to some extent, when I read about what has happened to Dean Ashton, it does make you thing about how ephemeral a footballing career is. Potentially, every player is just one tackle away from the end of everything they have ever worked for. Damn, a large proportion of injuries don't even involve a challenge (Li'l Luis springs to mind)
The older I get, the more I think players are right to think with their heads and not their hearts. It makes the Carraghers of this world all the more special, because they are so few and far between.

I get where you are coming from but ... really ? Did you not see the figures ? Earned over 7M at West Ham alone ? Plus all the other earnings over what 14 years in football ? Invested wisely or not he can already afford to sit by the pool for the rest of life, but no there are those TV appearances, book advances and endorsements that will keep the cash flowing. Neill is no Dean Ashton.

He's a money grabbing cunt.
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