Re: LFC SOLD to NESV! (We know this as the fat man's been stung)
Christian Purslow has given his reaction to the news that NESV have completed the purchase of Liverpool Football Club.
In an exclusive interview with, the club's Managing Director revealed his delight at a deal that he believes will ensure the Reds head towards a bright future.
Christian - how relieved are you that this is all over and Liverpool Football Club is under new ownership?
Very relieved indeed.
Just give us an idea of what the last few days have been like...
Well they have been very intense, very long. I certainly didn't want to be spending as much time as I have been in court but I'm glad those have been successful outcomes and I'm just glad we've had a successful end to a very demanding period.
You have said all along you would make sure the Club is sold to the right people - why were NESV the right people?
Well at the end of the day I have to say that given how this is right up against a deadline which could have had very serious implications for our football club, the most important thing is that NESV have cleared us of all the debts which, frankly, shouldn't have been on the club in the first place. They've done so in a way which leads me to believe that they will learn the lessons of the past and approach the challenge of owning Liverpool Football Club in a way which I think our fans will judge over time and which I'm optimistic will prove to be a very positive improvement on what we've been through recently.
As a Board member and a Liverpool fan, how excited are you about the Club's future now?
It's not a day for excitement. I'm absolutely exhausted, to be perfectly honest with you. I'm hugely relieved, hugely pleased to have got over the finishing line and, yes, I'm sure in a few hours when I have time to think I'll be focused on the fact that our Club has been transformed financially this afternoon. We have virtually no debt now in our football club which means all that huge amount of money that our fans spend supporting our team, coming to games and all the other activities is now available for what it should be available for, to invest and I cannot stress the significance of that for any club in these difficult times to be rid of that burden. Now it's a question of taking that forward.
How much has this long process affected you on a personal level?
I think it's a very serious job running Liverpool Football Club. I came here, as everybody knows, for one reason - to try and fix the club's financial problems. That is the area of expertise I have and I am relieved and pleased that we've been able to do that in the end. I wish it hadn't taken as long and I wish it hadn't had the twists and turns along the way, but it's very pleasing to get the job done.
You mention the twists and turns, what was the lowest point for you personally?
I think probably along the way it's very difficult to comment on confidential financial matters. It's wrong to do so, it's unprofessional to do so and it does not help the sale process. In the absence of that comment then many other people do comment and are often wildly wrong in their assumptions and sometimes in their observations about what's going on. I am not going to pretend along the way that when there have been doubts about what we're doing or what our intentions were that those weren't low points.
And what about the high point of the whole process?
About thirty minutes ago.
What did that feel like?
Very satisfying.
How pleased are you for the supporters that this period of uncertainty is finally over and we can begin to move forward again?
That's all I care about. I'm a Liverpool fan who happens to have some experience and expertise that was relevant to the predicament the Club found itself in when I arrived here. But I'm here because I'm a fan and it is just incredibly moving to know that millions and millions of people around the world today can look forward to a better future for the club and I'm just one of those people.
Do you see today as a new start for Liverpool Football Club?
It is a totally new beginning. I cannot stress enough the burden of running a football business with acquisition debt on it is extraordinarily difficult and I would like to pay tribute to the team of people I've had around me over the past year: Ian Ayre, Philip Nash, Natalie Wignall, Ian Cotton and many others who have supported me through thick and thin as I have tried to keep the Club on a sound footing so it can be sold. Again, not everybody along the way will have appreciated how difficult it is to sell a business with all the uncertainties which surrounded our Club on and off the field. Also, our fantastic players who have given me incredible support behind the scenes, hanging in there in trusting myself and the Board that we'd get there in the end. I cannot say thank you enough to those people and today their patience has been rewarded.