It's a bitch, ain't it?
We've got this right fucking tit of a site manager at work, proper little man fucking short-arse pot-bellied biscuit-munching cunt that likes to throw his (ample) weight around at every given opportunity.
A site poll run on the toilet walls in October (just two weeks after he took over from the last bloke) entitled "Who's the biggest cunt on site" saw him come out as the clear an undisputed winner, with an astonishing 83% of the vote.
Anyhoo, we've got these new labourers who are somehow even more fucking hapless than the last lot, and after my mate asked them to get some water down as they were grinding the floor (to stop the dust so we didn't all choke) he gets the hump and starts being a cock.
Seeing me on my steps, he tells me that it's a health and safety risk and that we're gonna have to stop work and get a tower erected because otherwise it doesn't conform with the method statement. He then say it's got nothing to do with the fact that we had a moan about the labourers (which incidentally was not to him, but directly to them, and was sorted then and there) when it fucking obviosuly is.
All we did was curse him under our breath, and then later it gets me -
Him: "Of course, this has got nothing to do with the fact that you've had a moan about them, it's my arse on the line, it's company procedure etc. etc."
What I should have said: "Oh no, we understand that Steve, I mean only a complete petty cock would do a thing like that, and we know you're not one of them"
We've got this right fucking tit of a site manager at work, proper little man fucking short-arse pot-bellied biscuit-munching cunt that likes to throw his (ample) weight around at every given opportunity.
A site poll run on the toilet walls in October (just two weeks after he took over from the last bloke) entitled "Who's the biggest cunt on site" saw him come out as the clear an undisputed winner, with an astonishing 83% of the vote.
Anyhoo, we've got these new labourers who are somehow even more fucking hapless than the last lot, and after my mate asked them to get some water down as they were grinding the floor (to stop the dust so we didn't all choke) he gets the hump and starts being a cock.
Seeing me on my steps, he tells me that it's a health and safety risk and that we're gonna have to stop work and get a tower erected because otherwise it doesn't conform with the method statement. He then say it's got nothing to do with the fact that we had a moan about the labourers (which incidentally was not to him, but directly to them, and was sorted then and there) when it fucking obviosuly is.
All we did was curse him under our breath, and then later it gets me -
Him: "Of course, this has got nothing to do with the fact that you've had a moan about them, it's my arse on the line, it's company procedure etc. etc."
What I should have said: "Oh no, we understand that Steve, I mean only a complete petty cock would do a thing like that, and we know you're not one of them"