It's a sack of shit. Everyone I know (in person) who watches it only watches it because they're American wannabie's.
I know plenty of people into NFL and MLB in this country. All middle-aged professionals. Some also love cricket or football. some love rugby, one loves snooker. None as far as I can tell are 'American Wannabees'. If you are a sports fan, anything can become gripping and all-consuming if you get fully involved with it. I have been enthralled by cycling, curling, bowls, darts, skier-cross, ski jumping, Red Bull high diving, etc, etc. It's more about learning the stories, understanding what's actually happening from a dramatic perspective and reaping the rewards of watching and learning for a long time, so you know when something amazing is happening. I'm sure loads of people who hate football just don't have a clue what's going on, historically, tactically, skill-wise.
It's all about time spent learning to appreciate it and perception.
I'm sure I'll NEVER like gymnastics, figure skating or plenty of other sports, but denigrating everyone who likes something you don't seems a bit churlish.
But then I'm obsessed with baseball, so what do I know....