The very worst thing about the Alonso transfer is not the fact that we lost a class player but a player I like will now be playing for some truly world class cunts. I hate Man U by tradition and consider being a Man U fan to be a spiritual weakness, but some of my best mates are Man U fans. I have enjoyed some good genuine footy conversations with Man U fans while ignoring their weakness until the very end of the conversation when the traditional compulsory jibes are exchanged.
This is not so with Real fans. Living in Valencia, a city with a very big team, I always find it shocking to find Real fans but sadly there are many. You can talk to them, in a manner of speaking,(ignore the pun), but its not that they are actually listening nor thinking. They do not have any redeeming features, no mancunian down to earthness, no humorous regard, no banter per se.
They actually believe that every player aspires to play for them and they give you the impression that every other team is inferior including yours, thats normal football arrogance in a way, but for Real fans the real skill (ignore that pun aswell) is that the speak as though they think that YOU believe they are right as well. It is the most obscene mass brainwashing you can see in football, Marca-isation. Has anyone seen how appalling CNN is? It's a propaganda pretending not to be, it is as sickening as it is atrocious, pumping out poison numbing everything it touches.
Real fucking Madrid and Marca.
What a complete bunch of soulless cunts.
In a way I hate the more than the Mancs I really do.
I fucking LOVED it when we beat them five nil last year. The locals come down to the irish bar to enjoy the expat "noise" during the big games, I made a point of sitting next to the largest group of Real fans I could find as he goals kept flying in a had to stop gloating because it was just so total... in the end the Reds fans were greeting the goals with chuckles smiles and laughs. Sarcy comments asking them if they were aware who Steven Gerrard was and ascerting that he is the best midfielder in the world.
It could only be topped if we were to do it to their new team of Galacticos.
I want them again.