As I said I have my own views on all matters LFC, they can't represent me, and they can't represent "the fans" they have no mandate to do that.
They are a disparate group of a few hundred (at most), representing match-going fans of 45,000, and other supporters world wide into millions, no one knows who they are, what their background is, or anything about them, well we do know a bit about half a dozen of them.
I have seen first hand things like this before in Liverpool, people purporting to be something they aren't, with a hidden agenda, and kidding people. People who stand up in Armani suits spouting rhetoric, driving Mercedes with personalised plates wearing Rolex watches and kid everyone that they were good socialists, well, in fact extreme socialists. Somehow the Liverpool public fell for it hook line and sinker.
This has a slight possibility to become much the same, and the more people suggest they are the voice of the fans and tye club allow them to meet on a semi-official basis with club management, the more people will begin to believe the propaganda. Hicks and Gillet will come and go, maybe sooner maybe later, but rest assured SOS actions will become more extreme and when the club gets into the grip of a Mafioso "fans" group we are fucked , no one will touch us with a barge pole.
The Sheiks mate is OK, I am sure most are, in the main OK. The section of the AUEW that I was a member of were OK, but a few of the officials were extreme nutters.
Bologna, to do nothing is better than give this lot any credence, this might seem rather over the top and doom-mongering , but the group is in it's foetal stage, the best way of dealing with it is to ignore it.