Fucking hell its going to be 'the Dirty dozen' all over again, the ruling the yanks had was there had to be a black in a lead role or some shit, so they covered him in bandages head to toe and told the Germans he was burnt on the Russian front FFS.
You can't force a manager on any club because he's black, the criterea is 'Is he any good' not 'Is he fucking black, white or green'
Wheres all the fucking Chinese managers, theres none of them managing a footy team in any division, Who stands up for Asian rights!!!
Fuck it and while we are at it, Wheres the fucking Woman Managers or referee's??? Eh Eh??
You can't force a manager on any club because he's black, the criterea is 'Is he any good' not 'Is he fucking black, white or green'
Wheres all the fucking Chinese managers, theres none of them managing a footy team in any division, Who stands up for Asian rights!!!
Fuck it and while we are at it, Wheres the fucking Woman Managers or referee's??? Eh Eh??