They've already escaped. They cheated to accelerate the process of building a winning team, buying success. They did that.
Even if they stripped them of titles, which they won't, it would render years of the league as officially meaningless as it was in practice. Everything that happened happened, and it all didn't happen for their competitors. Shit parades that were and unreal parades that weren't. Even if they are relegated there are already little cunts all over the place with Haaland shirts attesting to their godless and corrupt upbringing.
They should do all that anyway, but it's too late. Anyone who really cares already knows and needs no judgment, anyone who doesn't really care, isn't going to care. They'll watch someone else for a year.
Guardiola will leave, as he would have anyway, his head held high, chief apologist for the regime, taking a moral stand the way he always said he would if forced to. Their actual supporters, in their dozens, will become even more insular and small
There won't be equivalent justice for this big farce.
Still, I'll take anything.