

Look I want to love Trump and I know this post is
too long, but this matters and it matters now. ATT is rolling out 5G
VR-WIFI this year. Understand that all previous cellular services
were labeled according to their Radio Frequency location on the Radio
Spectrum. I.E. 3G = 3GHZ and 4G = 4GHz. This was done deliberately
for the purpose of concealing the fact that 5G = 24GHz - 90GHz. That
is the millimeter wave (based on length of waves) section of the
spectrum. It is classified as Extremely High Frequency Ionizing
Radiation. The compact nature of millimeter waves results in heavy
interference from just about everything. This limits the distance a
signal can travel as well as being line of sight only. Water
molecules in the air for example cause heavy loss in signal strength.
The only way to compensate for these issues and still deliver the
band width promised with the Internet Of Things, is to have 5G WIFI
routers on every telephone pole in the country, in every room of
every public building in the country, boosted by every CFL bulb(on
the box) and smart meter. Even satellites for those in the sticks. If
you are saying to yourself "Wait a minute, I'm 70% water!"
then you are asking yourself exactly the right question. The next
question is how the hell do we stop something the white hats don't
think is a problem and are even pushing for. Trump believes in
geoengineering and he just put out a statement in December declaring
all sorts of things you can only do with 5G to be a national
priority. Q nor Trump have in any way mentioned these dangers. I say
now, the whole Q phenomenon and its results are just another
distraction, like they have done so many times before, this time, so
they can pull off the most lethal thing ever done to this planet.
Every living thing is harmed by Ionizing Radiation. As the
densely packed waves bounce off cells in your body they cause minor
damage, as your body repairs this damage, occasionally the process
results in cancer. It breaks strands of DNA. We are exposed every day
to harmful radiation from both natural and man made sources. Unless
you live under a cell tower or high power lines, that radiation
amounts to a misting in most cases, in order for 5G to work, it will
be akin to jumping in the ocean. The reason they put lead a vest on
when you get an X-ray is EXACTLY the reason they refused to do any
safety testing on 5G. They didn't need to, they know 24GHz - 90GHz
will kill you, especially at the levels of signal saturation required
to reach everywhere. Milliwatts per square meter is how they measure
Electromagnetic Frequency Exposure and 2.5 is the highest amount
reported to be safe as of 2013. The amount measured when laying a
meter on a new ATT residential 5G router was 1800+. Now make that
commercial and Imagine the overlap and omni directional bombardment
of walking through a mall, school, city street and your 1000+ living
room doesn't seem so bad anymore. This is microwave radiation, they
took the device that cooks your food out of the microwave, modified
it for data and plan on placing them everywhere. This is the
technology they use at airports that can see through your clothes.
They can literally boil the water in your skin. I can only imagine
the things they could do to your brain, but it might explain why, for
as long as i can remember, there have been zombie movies. The signal
that comes from the transmitters has the ability to send out
multiple, seperate, pinpoint focused beams that automatiaclly track
every wifi receiving device that comes into its signal range. The
military has been using millimeter wave technology for at least
fourty years. They just need you, me and everyone else to look the
other way while they deploy it. If we wait until the Internet of
things is online it will be too late. Q's pyramid was setup up to
fall exactly how its falling. Trumps faction was given the goods on
the old guard in order to get them out of the way. Then use the
repercussions to set up everyone to accept the new 5G internet of
things. The level of evil/corruption in the old guard was necessary
and it served at least three purposes. 1. Fear and control over the
elites for as long at they were needed. 2. Easy disposal of the
elites and there structure of control once they had served their
purpose. 3. Getting the public to react so emotionally/viscerally to
the child sacrificing stuff, combined with the monetary chaos the
market manipulation will cause, as well as all the
drug/weapon/trafficing garbage, that they will embrace the
incorruptible, block-chain secured, D-wave driven, Palantir/IOT fed
AI overlord as new supreme being/god/ruler. Crypto-currency
builds the block chain, the block chain is the neural network of the
global Artificial General Intelligence. AGI is the one they make all
the scary movies about. The crypto currency is also the best
trap imaginable for getting people to buy in to the system. I.E. You
have 2 million in crypto that can only be accessed as a member of our
system. That's the reason for the war on cash, once currency exist
only in the system, you have no choice but to join the system or
attempt to exist completely and utterly outside of it which will be
made illegal shortly after the system comes online. Reguardless
of method, they will find a way to get enough people accept the
system that those who don't, won't be missed. None of us have ever
heard the names of those who give the elites their orders. The elites
live in total fear of these beings as their families have made
bargains with them for millennia and they understand the true nature
of what I call the Hidden Hand. They have been called many things by
many people for as long as there is recorded history. Fallen angels
if you are Christian or Luciferian. Satan presented himself as a
serpent that could talk and walk upright in the Garden of Eden and
reptilian is still one of the most enduring theories. Every ancient
culture we have records from show some sort of God/s that interacted
with them. Once the population of the planet reached a point that
they could no longer control it with direct, individual based fear, a
new method of domination became necessary. At this point they decided
to rewrite all of human history as the first step in separating
humanity from the God/Creator/Source/Light whatever you choose to
call it. If you do not believe in creation then I point you to DNA.
It is incomprehensibly more powerful, both as a computer and as a
storage device then anything we have imagined at this point in our
evolution. Evolution is the natural process of creation adapting to
its environment in order to thrive, exactly the way the DNA was
designed to do. Every human emotion can be traced back to just two
base emotions, Love and fear. Love is from God and it is the meaning
of life. Your purpose, as the highest intellect on this planet, a
human being with unlimited potential and the ability to do help or
harm, is to show Love to every other living thing in existence.
The molecular structure of water is affected by words written on
pieces of paper and taped to the outside of the bottle. Beautiful
snowflake like structures for kind words, amorphous cancer looking
structures for mean words. Words, thoughts and emotions have the
power to affect the physical world and again, we are 70% water. The
Hidden Hand exist and operate in direct opposition to, and resentment
of, God. It doesn't matter in the slightest if you believe in God or
Lucifer. They do, they always have and they act upon that belief.
Fear, suffering and despair is their desire for the creation they
despise. They have turned our existence into a farm for that
fear. Differences between humans, both real and imagined is their
seed. How is it that countries that sanction, sabotage, spy on and go
to war with each other, have no problems what so ever sharing any and
all info about things like CERN and all agree that geoengineering our
atmosphere is the only way to go? The differences created by
them shape our emotions and beliefs so powerfully that it is accepted
in every country with a military, for the young people to go kill or
be killed based solely on the discretion of the government. How many
wars do we now know were started with a false flag or under false
pretenses? The final act in the play is to turn the Earth into
an artificial existence that nothing can survive unless it has been
modified from its original form in order to do so. Everything with
DNA in it is going to be bombarded in the microwave hell they are
creating. The final nail in man kinds coffin and the only way to
survive the system is going to be through genetic
modification/trans-humanism. Once we "jack in" to the
system, the system will control our memories, emotions and thoughts
and we will no longer have any memory of what life was like before
the system. Every president in my lifetime has been used as a wedge
to drive apart the American people. The last two presidents have been
atomic wedgies in that regard. If you don't have things that have
made you question Trumps motives, you are not paying attention.
Environment, geoengineering, oil, fracking, Goldman Sachs, Zionist,
selling weapons. I am not bashing Trump, I pray for his safety. He
has done great things and the best is yet to come especially as far
as getting rid of much of the evil that has existed on our planet for
God knows how long. I want to believe Trump is unaware he's being
used by the same people who put the old guard in place, he really is
saving the world, just not from everything it needs to be saved from.
Seriously, his motivations, the end of corruption, saving the
children, all these bad guys being taken down, all of it is
meaningless if the 5G/VR-WIFI/IOT is allowed to come online. Please
look around, the whole planet is sprinting toward the system and its
completely separate from everything Q related.

You Herd it sear first.
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