If there's any more talk of rimming it'll be going to pornhub
What's a pornhub?
If there's any more talk of rimming it'll be going to pornhub
You're fooling no-oneWhat's a pornhub?
You're fooling no-one
pops back out.
A rim off with @Woland? Interesting and terrifying!Sounds like you're challenging Red Astaire to a duel there.
Awwwww - You can still do that if you want.But I was planning on slapping everyone with your dick
Haha - Sorry. I'll stop. Close thread!Right. This is just getting fucking weird now.
Should I start talking about wine now?
Cool, I'm in. So you don't mind the haemorrhoids then?I'm officially out of this thread. I feel I've contributed enough to the hilarity of it. @Mamma Mia - Come over to mine. Let's have lunch. 🙂
Haha! I was thinking more of your chorizo oil muffin egg recipe but whatever floats your boat brother 😉Cool, I'm in. So you don't mind the haemorrhoids then?
HA Jesus this place is full of fuckwits.
What an abortion of a thread.
Has to be!Post of the week!
I can't believe this only got one like. That's comedy gold.It was probably that tossed salad you had for dinner.
I'm officially out of this thread. I feel I've contributed enough to the hilarity of it. @Mamma Mia - Come over to mine. Let's have lunch. 🙂
I forgot to update my POTW thread.Post of the week!
Just so this is in one place I can always link back to for the benefit of shutting up certain fuckwits, as and when necessary.
This is from the Echo. Hopefully this allied with previous corroborating reports from Tony 'Bullshit' Barrett will be enough to establish my own version of events as the currently best understood interpretation.
Dan Kennett @DanKennett 2h2 hours ago
If you're looking to diagnose LFC recruitment issues then this looks as good a place as any to start:
Link to the full article: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/brendan-rodgers-liverpool-fc-transfer-10201451
Just so this is in one place I can always link back to for the benefit of shutting up certain fuckwits, as and when necessary.
This is from the Echo. Hopefully this allied with previous corroborating reports from Tony 'Bullshit' Barrett will be enough to establish my own version of events as the currently best understood interpretation.
Dan Kennett @DanKennett 2h2 hours ago
If you're looking to diagnose LFC recruitment issues then this looks as good a place as any to start:
Link to the full article: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/brendan-rodgers-liverpool-fc-transfer-10201451