Betting Final Day - Cheltenham Tipster Comp

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Good play Rosco. Thanks mate, enjoyed it.
And BTW, Piedro, you really should give the gambling up. Before you are declared bankrupt.
It added a bit of interest to the festival for me anyway. I didn't back much in the first couple of days, but I was still looking for the results of every race.

If people are interested we can do it again for Aintree
Fucking cheats. The racing is fixed by you paddies, and now the fucking fantasy leagues. Good job you are shit at tarmac-ing driveways. 😉
Thanks once again Rosco.

I had a nightmare final day. My first 4 picks really should have made place finishes but thats the beauty of Cheltenham.

Are we doing a Grand National sweepstake this year? Any chance it could be rigged so i can have Snowy Morning please?
Paddy - your prize is a 20 euro bet on the Grand National.

Let me know who you want and I'll do the bet for you.
Oh haha.

Actually put it on Irish Invader. each way thank you very much.

Im gonna back State Of Play and BattleCry myself.
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