SOS Update
Martin Broughton - Request to Meet
Wednesday 12th May 2010
Following our recent letter to Martin Broughton requesting a meeting, and the information passed to us via Ian Ayre that we would not granted our request for a meeting, we have received direct correspondence from our new Chairman. In light of his response, we have decided to respond with our views on why a meeting should take place. Both our own and Martin Broughton's response can be seen below.
Our response to Martin Broughton
Dear Mr Broughton,
Thank you for your response to our request for a meeting, however, your reply, and your answers on, only leaves the Union's members with further questions.
You do, in your reply, make reference to the various supporters clubs who are a source of support for the team and the Club. Whilst the Spirit of Shankly and its members are dedicated supporters of Liverpool Football Club, it is fair to say that our remit, purpose and those we have dialogue with, are very different from the more traditional LFC supporter's clubs.
These differences, defined in our constitution and in our stated aims and objectives, mean that not only do we exist to represent the interests of our members, but we are also intent on calling to account those who influence the future of Liverpool Football Club to ensure as much transparency as possible in the dealings of the Club, both in its search for new owners and in its dealings with all supporters. As an organisation, we are also seeking democratic involvement in the future running of the Club to ensure supporter interests and a regard to the history of LFC are considered at all levels.
We have previously met with former Chief Executive Rick Parry, current owner George Gillett, as well as Directors Ian Ayre and Christian Purslow to ask them direct questions and to outline our views and express our concern regarding issues that effect the club, particularly with reference to the current owners, and their intentions, but also regarding issues which directly concern all supporters such as ticket prices and allocation and the new ground.
As an organisation, our desire to see the Club develop in the most appropriate way has led us to hold meetings with representatives of Dubai International Capital, with Supporters Direct, the supporters' trusts initiative, with local and national politicians and the Football Supporters' Federation. We also have a meeting scheduled with the Premier League this week to discuss the ownership issue.
Locally we have the support of Steve Rotherham, the newly elected MP for Walton and Joe Anderson the Leader of the City Council, and we are one of the organisations involved in the concept and development of the Football Quarter.
Our view is that we, and hopefully those appointed to oversee the future of the club, are working towards very similar aims, primarily the best future for Liverpool Football Club. We think the views of our members specifically can best be represented by honest, face-to-face dialogue between interested parties which is the reason we are also liaising with organisations such as the Premier League and Supporters Direct.
Whilst previous meetings between ourselves and senior figures at the club have not always been reported honestly by the Club we believe that a continued dialogue is essential, and beneficial to all parties to answer genuine fears and concerns of supporters regarding the Club's current perilous financial standing and its future.
Whilst we appreciate your remit is to ensure a sale of the club, we, as a Union, have a commitment to our members to hold whoever owns the Club to account. We have campaigned long and hard to have Tom Hicks and George Gillett to leave the club, and whilst the 'For Sale' signs are up, they still remain as owners. If there is one thing Liverpool Football Club has been famous for in the past, it is an appreciation of its fans, and its history and a reliance on the 'Liverpool Way'.
Whilst this may not be the case at other Premiership Clubs, many Liverpool fans, whilst appreciating the changing nature of football, still hold dear the values of honest and up-front discussion and that is all we are requesting from you.
We hope that you would reconsider your decision to meet with us to discuss the issues and concerns we have.
We look forward to hearing your reply
Yours sincerely
Fran Stanton
Martin Broughton's response to our initial meeting request.
Dear Mr Stanton
Thank you for your recent letter with questions.
I am sure you are aware that I answered each of the questions on the LFC TV interview last week. As there are over 200 LFC supporters' clubs it is not my intention to speak individually to each of them or to differentiate between them - instead I intend to continue communicating with all fans collectively.
If you have any further questions feel free to send them in.
Martin Broughton
Can we keep him ?