il prosciutto affumicato
a famous chant, go back to italy, go back to italy
il prosciutto affumicato
a famous chant, go back to italy, go back to italy
Find these fans and tell them they are wrong.
Do you have a group email for them?
I don’t get angry and don’t care about brexit. It’s a pile of shite.probably because you're angry at Brexit. You see, the only ones showing anger are the remoaners. Hence the continuous protests that got them absolutely NOWHERE. lmao
I don’t get angry and don’t care about brexit. It’s a pile of shite.
you could contact spirit of shankly, google the site. or maybe go to the game with your rainbow flag
Ok, done.
Next away game at Brighton, I will come in my rainbow speedos and you come in your storm trooper uniform? All raised money goes to some center charity like save the minks.
must be boring in that constant aussie lockdown.
I wonder what the Irish is for Gammon?
Massively dull, otherwise I’d being doing something much more interesting than ripping the piss on here.
Are you saying every single one of them were chanting rent boys? Is that not steretyping?
Seems off, a bit like saying every brexit voter is a gammon although maybe every racist probably voted for Brexit...
Maybe there is a study out there.
we voted Brexit and got the vaccine, freedom!
I didn’t vote Brexit and got the vaccine too.
so your are associating Brighton with being gay. You do know that Brighton fans have led a campaign for years against the abuse they suffer from visiting fans? You have just been homophobic, what a hypocrite!
I just picked Brighton randomly, you are just reading too much into it.
You're the only one banging on about Brexit here. Just so you're aware, the term 'gammon' originated some years before Brexit, and is by no means a blanket term for Brexiteers. So you're barking up the wrong tree. Again.Ive heard asians refer to us as pigs meat, so yes it's racist.
you do realise that non white people voted for Brexit? Do you call them gammons? Bit silly really as their faces don't flush when they get angry. hmmmmmm
Thanks to us. I accept your gratitude.
You're the only one banging on about Brexit here. Just so you're aware, the term 'gammon' originated some years before Brexit, and is by no means a blanket term for Brexiteers. So you're barking up the wrong tree. Again.
Maybe you should take a breather at this point? With all this embarrassment you must be looking like dry-aged gammon right now.
I really don’t.ha ha ha, you obviously DO care.
Like I said, it refers to race.
Like I said, Brexiteers won, we are not the ones angry.
Motherfucking honky acting like he's serene when he's getting wound up over being asked to *not* use a homophobic slur. Gammon TBF is an insult. As it should be. Because you tend to be massive cunts.
love it when remoaners get upset. aint you got a protest to go to?
love it when the woke warriors trip over their own rules. you were being homophobic and brighton fans would not be pleased with you.