They are similar, the pandemic, the financial crisis, the twin towers, in all these cases the people making money underestimated the risk of an adverse event. It probably wasn't malicious, or out of corruption, or greed, or out of not caring, it's just because they used mathematical models that fit the data, instead of using mathematical models that make falsifiable predictions. Then you end up with stupid answers like the chance of a terrorist attack is 0.0000000000134% instead of 7.4% +/- 0.5%. When you blindly fit your model to the data, your model is absolutely positively wrong no ifs or buts about it. When you predict things that are subsequently verified by experiment, your model is almost certainly a true reflection of the real world.
Humans never learn this lesson no matter how many times they get slapped in the face with a crisis. I assume because they never paid attention in university, got old, then randomly decided they wanted to act like scientists and use "evidence based models" when it's far too late and they're far too lacking in intelligence to understand what they're doing.