Has anyone got any stories about meeting him? I'm sure loads of people on here have. My brothers story about him calling him is a cracker. Apparently his boss was at a charity golf thing. He was chatting away to Jockey and the King when he suddenly said "Dave (my brother) would give his left nut to be here chatting to you two. He's a massive LFC fan" To which the King replied "Have you got his number? I'll give him a call" and so he did. My brother was on his way to some conference when his phone went off in his car with the King on the end of it. My brother said he was well funny - Pretending to ask my brothers boss for a raise and more holiday etc. They chatted about Rodgers then Jockey took over the phone said a quick hello and that was it. Thing was of course he totally didn't have to do that but it completely and utterly made my brothers decade. He was in a daze all day. A true legend 😎