10 years of SCM

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Momo was fucking great on TLW. Proper loon. Turned out to be one of the old Cream DJs.

Aha! Yes, now I remember. Quite the unmasking. He did seem as if he'd had a bit of a mental breakdown, though. Which doesn't excuse it, but does explain it.
So was he tolerated in TLW? He never seemed to last more than a day or two here. Sometimes the whole thing escalated more quickly and he was gone in a few hours.
So was he tolerated in TLW? He never seemed to last more than a day or two here. Sometimes the whole thing escalated more quickly and he was gone in a few hours.

I think he may have had multiple bannings and simply reappeared with a new name. And when I say "multiple" I mean like dozens and dozens.
So was he tolerated in TLW? He never seemed to last more than a day or two here. Sometimes the whole thing escalated more quickly and he was gone in a few hours.
He would appear under loads of usernames after a while and get banned repeatedly. Often the staff seemed to let him get on with it when he was funny and less abusive than normal.
Who was that guy who would come, try posting normally, but usually within a day would start leaking bile about OOTS and the like before exploding in paroxysms of rage only achievable by a superfan? He was great fun.

Roger Rederer maybe, or Ardja?

Those may have been the same person though in hindsight.
I wasn't in the know enough to get the word when SCM was formed and only joined the following February.
I remember the first couple of days being pointed at and laughed at by @Herr Onceared as the newbie made a minor show of himself.
Then he called me a cunt when I started to slag him back and I knew I had found my home.
I never had to post on another football site since.
I wasn't in the know enough to get the word when SCM was formed and only joined the following February.
I remember the first couple of days being pointed at and laughed at by @Herr Onceared as the newbie made a minor show of himself.
Then he called me a cunt when I started to slag him back and I knew I had found my home.
I never had to post on another football site since.

I think it took me a few months longer. Rosco was nice to me and enquired how I found the site.
I joined a while after it formed, mainly from @Piedro banging on about it.

Couldn't see myself befriending strangers on the Internet, but lo and behold. Someone sent me an xbox that had rrod so I could fix it and own it. A few came to my stag do. A few came to my wedding. A few helped me through some dark times.

It's oestrogen filled as it sounds, I wouldn't be the man I am without this site.

Still won't talk to you if we meet at drinkies though
I was searching for whistleblower support websites. I wanted to make sure that it was normal to feel suicidal/depressed/vengeful in the circumstances.

One of the links on Google was to the koptalk exposed site. I was like nah I used to post on there, ahhaha let me check it out. Then I read that blog every week pissing myself at how psychotic and unhinged the guy was. I learned a fair bit about how to hate someone and go about systematically pulling them apart inside your own brain. There was a link to here on that blog, so that's how I came here and continued to be a little bit psychotic for the first few years. The story isn't over yet of course.
I was one of the later arrivals from Koptalk. I only came over when it dawned on me that nobody decent was left. Thoroughly glad I did, though. This place is excellent.
I got send a message from someone off Koptalk saying to check it out. Majority of us were poached.
I mostly lurked on KT and started posting just as it was about to die. Plus I was in their stupid fucking second division. By the time I got up, everyone was disappearing. I think somebody said something in shoutbox that made me check it.
I still find it quite funny that most of you lot were Koptalk mongs.

Fair play for fucking it off and starting this. This is alright.
I was on Koptalk for a couple of years before the end as well. Don't remember how I got here, maybe also a personal invitation from someone.
I hadn't checked in for a bit to KT and it was DEAD

I posted something in the ShoutBox and I think it was DJ SYd maybe? that said to come here.. (Was he a SCM'er?). Maybe it was Mark or Ross.

Anyway, came here, and opted to join. I got challenged here as a KT'er because someone says I said something about Ryan in the shoutbox.

Ryan takes umbrage. Someone goes to check what I wrote and came back and found nothing negative and I got the "He's alwight, let 'im in"...

Weird that his has significance for me.
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