Why the fuck do they always choose one worrisome cause and yep absolutel cunt festival causes .
In my local one the choices are a local childrens hospice , the othe two are fudraising for a brass fucking band and a book fund for a community centre .
I kid you not, the fucking books fund an brass band have as many if not more tokens than the children's hospice!
Every month it's the same , I'm sure they do it just to laugh at the vacuous dullards who spunk their tokens on shite causes .
Im still waiting to tailgate someone upto them so I can offer my face of disgust when make a mongy choice.
In my local one the choices are a local childrens hospice , the othe two are fudraising for a brass fucking band and a book fund for a community centre .
I kid you not, the fucking books fund an brass band have as many if not more tokens than the children's hospice!
Every month it's the same , I'm sure they do it just to laugh at the vacuous dullards who spunk their tokens on shite causes .
Im still waiting to tailgate someone upto them so I can offer my face of disgust when make a mongy choice.