I think he'll dominate European football for years in the same way Baros did after his 04 Golden boot.
Is this another bash Torres thread ? How cute. And what if you Torres bashers wear an unbiased cap instread of the Liverpool one for a moment or two ?
I think you do a disservice to the Championship, but you make a point.Well I didn't watch much of the tournament but I saw Torres score two against a Championship side (Ireland) and one against a 10 man Italy who were already beaten.
And his coach preferred to play without a striker rather than play him. So I think it means fuck all - it's exactly the same as he was at Chelsea. His 2012 consisted of goals against Leicester, Villa and QPR. As well as one in the CL Final when it was pretty much done. 7 league goals in 18 months ?
20 league goals should be easy for him then Frogfish.
Charity bet?
I'd be tempted by that Froggy.
If Torres is the main man and can steer clear of injury I reckon he'll do well.
Hmmm only 3 (RVP & 2 from City) passed 20 last season. OK it's for charity so what £25 ?
If I lose I make all my donations to charity via Global Giving - you can choose whichever charity you want from there !
I think this is totally unnecessary. Get off your high horse. No one would bash him so harshly if he wasn't so average since he's moved to Chelsea bar the few games where he's played well. No one bashes Mascherano for his 'level,' or Alonso etc. Why? Is that because the 'unbiased cap'? Yah precisely. Torres has been distinctly average since he moved to Chelsea. I'm glad for that because if he's on his game, it means they're doing well and I hate that club. I don't see him 'banging' in the goals, just like he wasn't doing it last year when he was being fed by Mata, Lampard etc. 15 overall? Probably. 20? Could be. 25? Doubt it.
As for your 'limited playing time' line, I don't get it. If he was on form - as he was Euro 2008, do you think Del Bosque would have gone with the 4-6-0? Perhaps he didn't have a striker he trusted? So you're giving him great credit for scoring against Ireland and a broken 10 man Italy team. Ok. I guess forgetting the two 1 on 1s vs Buffon, or the fact he was dropped against Croatia in a game they were lucky to get a positive result out of, I think that's as telling as the 3 goals.
As I said before we signed him, he was never a 'pure goalscorer' (i.e. Fowler, RvN, etc). Something magical happened at Liverpool, and I doubt we'll see that with Chelsea. I may be wrong, but to throw that ludicrous 'Liverpool hat' tripe out? It's almost as annoying as posters screaming at you for giving an honest assessment about Kuyt etc.
FYI that 25 quid is going to help dogs get neutered in India.
FYI that 25 quid is going to help dogs get neutered in India.
What absolute bollocks ! Are you blind ? He could donate his life savings to charity and there would still be people on here willing to crucify him anytime his name is mentioned. Jesus wept.
Are you seriously mentioning Masherano / Xabi ? Seriously ? What an inane comparison.
Yes, I think Del Bosque decided that the midfield he had was worthy of the tactics ... and no-one can dispute that now. He obviously thought that THAT midfield had less risks than an unproven (gambling on a return to form) Torres and Llorente. However that was not even related to my 'limited time' comment - which was re. Chelsea playing time.
How many one on ones were converted by anyone in the Euros (excluding Spain's midfielders) ? One of the comments I made during the event was the poor form of most of the strikers. Do most strikers convert all their one on ones then ? Actually I'd bet there are more missed than scored. I guess it's no surprise then that you, and others, fail to give any credit for scoring the goals he did, or the assists, it's that Liverpool cap you are wearing.
I really care about the size of the dog population in the world.You make it sound like the dogs are voluntarily getting neutered.
I'd rather not have Fabio warn me, so I won't post any unnecessary insults!
Some posters do, some don't. Generalizing everyone to fit your agenda is rather unnecessary. I didn't.
Most people felt Mascherano loved the club, and then screwed us. Same with Torres. Xabi, less so. All 3 were of critical importance to our spine. I don't think there's anything wrong with the comparison ... Neither inspire the same vitriolic abuse on here, so IMHO, it was, but we have differing opinions.
Ok re: limited time comment. I can't be bothered going through all his Chelsea game, but do you have his goals per minute stats? I don't - and my comment wasn't about whether he has/had a decent 'goals per minute' in 2011/12 - I don't think anyone in football believes he had a good season last year - we all know he didn't. But often this 1 goal in 10 matches or whatever it was, is thrown up and that needs to be analysed, it is probably not quite as bad as it sounds. Which is why the 'goals per minute' stat is much better. I use to have a source for this but have forgotten where I used to find those figures. If you remember a couple of years or so ago I used to post a lot of stats - I love 'em ! - however most people don't so I stopped being arsed posting them.
I don't know re: one on one in the tournament. So I don't know, but a few strikers had 3 goals (Gomez, Balotelli etc). Gomez, header, swivel and shot and .. forget the third, Balotteli ; header, power shot shrugging off defender and .. forget the third. I'm sure someone else can remember the missing two goals but irrespective, I am struggling to remember someone scoring one-on-one (I'm sure there must have been at least a couple) but as a % it wasn't high, which is why I find it strange to use a failure to score in that situation as proof of fallibility - all strikers are eminently fallible and prove it in every match they play !
As for your last comment, I won't respond in kind. I guess since you're wearing ____ hat (You can choose its name. See, I'm nice!), you see it very clearly. Actually I know you are - just winding you up 😉 I can't tell exactly where I didn't give credit (or for that matter, give credit) for his 3 goals - I just weighed the positives and negatives of his tourney. Perhaps that's another one of those side affects of the 'Liverpool cap'?