I've been walking around with my fly undone for most of my life. "Doc, yer fly's undone" is something I've heard about a billion times I'd guess. It was only about 10 years ago that my partner (now wife) asked why this was always happening. "A beast like mine forces the cage open, baby" I said, or something along those lines. Anyhoo, we realised the real reason was because when I pulled the zip up, I used to leave the pull tab pointing up. For whatever reason, this allows the zip to slide back down again. By merely learning to push the tab to point down, I have spent the last 10 years without displaying myself to the world. But why did I never know this before?
Anything you learned late in life? Any funny mistaken beliefs or understandings?
Anything you learned late in life? Any funny mistaken beliefs or understandings?