We usually host parents and other family in ours over Christmas, but now they're all dead and the kids are grown up my missus was saying she'd like to go away, somewhere with a bit of sun etc. Some time in April when I was drunk I booked flights for a couple of weeks in and out of San Diego over Christmas and New Year. Now she doesn't want to go, but that's a different story.
Assuming we do go, I've never been to California, but San Diego looks cool coz you can head into Mexico or up to LA, or drive for a few hours to the skiing, apart from it looking kinda cool in its own right.
My question is, to those who know these things, would you book the first couple of nights stay, then wing it and see what happens, or is that stupid and should you have all your stuff in order?
Assuming we do go, I've never been to California, but San Diego looks cool coz you can head into Mexico or up to LA, or drive for a few hours to the skiing, apart from it looking kinda cool in its own right.
My question is, to those who know these things, would you book the first couple of nights stay, then wing it and see what happens, or is that stupid and should you have all your stuff in order?