Hopefully you've got a couple of quid spare for another charity request now its around payday. Once again im doing the London to Oxford bike ride in July, hopefully not on the hottest day of the year this time and Onceys joining in too.
Its all in aid of good causes, all donations go to Ronald McDonald House and the John Radcliffe Children's Charity in Oxford, both of which really helped our youngest, my wife and I when our kid was diagnosed with a life threatening tumour. Thankfully they completely removed it and he's been passing all his check ups with flying colours, but we want to keep repaying their great work to help others
Anything you got will help,
There's always space if you want to sign up.,....
Hopefully you've got a couple of quid spare for another charity request now its around payday. Once again im doing the London to Oxford bike ride in July, hopefully not on the hottest day of the year this time and Onceys joining in too.
Its all in aid of good causes, all donations go to Ronald McDonald House and the John Radcliffe Children's Charity in Oxford, both of which really helped our youngest, my wife and I when our kid was diagnosed with a life threatening tumour. Thankfully they completely removed it and he's been passing all his check ups with flying colours, but we want to keep repaying their great work to help others
Anything you got will help,
There's always space if you want to sign up.,....