1) It won't turn it into a religion anyways
2) That was sooo last decade
3) It's what enabled the government to shaft us with all this pro-religious legislation crap. You see, the more people that claim they have a religion, the more people the government will proclaim are religious, the more we will be lumbered with compulsory religious education, assemblies, prayers, the more religious led bigotry, discrimination and racism we'll see in our society. On the other hand, the more people who confirm their complete and utter indifference to religion, the less the government will be able to justify shafting us with oppressive claptrap. The 2001 census was a farce, because it hugely over-inflated the number of god-botherers in the UK.
2) That was sooo last decade
3) It's what enabled the government to shaft us with all this pro-religious legislation crap. You see, the more people that claim they have a religion, the more people the government will proclaim are religious, the more we will be lumbered with compulsory religious education, assemblies, prayers, the more religious led bigotry, discrimination and racism we'll see in our society. On the other hand, the more people who confirm their complete and utter indifference to religion, the less the government will be able to justify shafting us with oppressive claptrap. The 2001 census was a farce, because it hugely over-inflated the number of god-botherers in the UK.