Is there going to be one this year? Should we have a show of hands to see who wants to play again this season? I'll put my hand up first!
I'm also willing to run the thing if no one else wants to...
5 spots left, folks... Who wants in?!?
Righty-o then, a running list of those who want to play:
1. Me
2. the count
3. Cerebus
4. Shadey
5. SummerOnions
6. 23carragold
7. Ossi
8. Red Astaire
9. Jimmy
10. Goodspam
11. Mr moo
12. Herr Onceared
13. Neilmac
14. Boozer
15. Hansern
16. Frogfish
17. Dee
18. FreshRed
19. Dahuge
20. Wolfheart
I'm also willing to run the thing if no one else wants to...
5 spots left, folks... Who wants in?!?
Righty-o then, a running list of those who want to play:
1. Me
2. the count
3. Cerebus
4. Shadey
5. SummerOnions
6. 23carragold
7. Ossi
8. Red Astaire
9. Jimmy
10. Goodspam
11. Mr moo
12. Herr Onceared
13. Neilmac
14. Boozer
15. Hansern
16. Frogfish
17. Dee
18. FreshRed
19. Dahuge
20. Wolfheart