I pre-emptively apologise if I sound like the grinch but by christ I've had them all today. All year round it seems nigh on impossible to complete a local journey without encountering an idiot (not a cautious, slightly haphazard driver, they're everywhere, but out and out imbeciles) or two, but today I could have genuinely had two fault free crashes, before an arsehat who had blocked traffic on a green light till they went red tried to come the hard knock after beeping at the clown (though I think he forgot to do a quick head count and he soon shit it). Then around every shop, which I knew would be busy, it was people literally pushing/barging past, trolleys colliding and no apologies or even a sheepish glance.
Is it just me, where I live (even though I was visiting a neighbouring, supposedly nicer, town) or is it the way the world is going?
Is it just me, where I live (even though I was visiting a neighbouring, supposedly nicer, town) or is it the way the world is going?