You have to feel sorry for Michael - he's spent his whole life listening to football people talk about football.
No wonder he's no firm grasp on what he's saying might actually mean, early doors.
He's gone in hard here, but it's a striker's tackle really, he's left a leg in, had his own pants down, had to boot it into row z and get back to doing the simple things right, one tweet at a time, and try and pay the fans back, though not actual money obviously.
First up an excitable Owen shared his simple enjoyment of the Bradford-Villa game last night with his Twitter pals.
He's loving it, isn't he, like a puppy loves a sock.
But then a grown-up reminds him of the horrors of the Bradford Stadium fire of 1985 that claimed the lives of 56 innocent people, and injured hundreds more....
Oh dear. He's had to show a bit of class here, get back up, back in the game, but all the same he'll have wanted to have done better at this level.