Whilst we are on this subject, has Yaya been banned yet?
Will Manchester City's Toure face the same punishment as Liverpool's Suarez?
Yaya Toure was caught doing a two fingered salute to Wolves fans yesterday, it was captured on camera on two occasions and people have taken stills from those images. For avoidance of doubt, we've been told the actions were towards the supporters and not instructions to a team mate. There isn't a video about so that's based on an opinion.
Last December Liverpool's Luis Suarez received a one game ban and a £20,000 fine for giving a hand gesture to Fulham fans after they gave him a barrage of abuse during the game, calling him a cheat amongst other things.
It was probably over the top but The FA had to ban him because they had made their own precedent when they banned Stephen Carr, of Birmingham City, for giving the 'wanker' sign to opposing supporters.
This is where The FA have left themselves a hole, who knows what the fans were saying to Toure and whether that justifies the response? However, because of the precedent if they don't act then they're clearly not being consistent.
For Toure then to miss the all important Manchester derby would seem absurd. On the flip side, these players know they have the world looking at them and so to lose their temper and do something which can quite easily be caught on camera is a bit stupid.
Perhaps the rules on this need looking at again or perhaps players could just keep their hand gestures under control during games.