Has there been anyone that has inspired you to do better or just make you think 'You're amazing'? It can be anyone from a teacher, family member, celebrity, musician, drug dealer etc...... Show your respect fellas. Top 5 🙂
I'll go.
I'll go.
- Mrs Pugh - She was my form and high school English teacher - She was (past tense intended) absolutely awesome. She taught me a love of all things bookish.
- Gene Hackman - A slightly strange choice but I'm studying acting and while DDL might be the benchmark - Fuck me he was/is amazing.
- My Auntie B - Sadly passed away now but without her I would have been at Hillsborough and very likely dead. YNWA #96
- Edwin Hubble - Posterized the big bang theory and 60 years later and still making me look at the stars in wonder.
- Father Christmas - He's fucking ace and I love that beardy dude.
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