This could seriously fuck our transfer plans. If Spearing and Adam are gone, our midfield consists of:
Gerrard (sicknote) Sahin (sicknote) Allen (OK I think) Hendo (wish he was a fucking sicknote)
That isn't enough.
He felt a twinge in the warm up. I know you're usually told to see how it is after running around for a while but when you've just come back from a long lay off I'd have thought our super scientific medial staff would urge some caution. Poor bloke, he must be absolutely gutted.
True. Strange that we started him. It isn't unusual to get other injuries after such a severe injury Lucas had.
Sahin isnt a sicknote though.
'limited capacity to withstand pain'
That is known locally as 'being a fag'.
2-3 months according to Barrett.
That's 6-8 weeks for Wonderman.