He's an asshole, we enjoyed a massive victory in the CL that only Liverpool could achieve with a fairly unremarkable group of players, and and we had a brief but significant period of success in Europe after that that can't just be explained away. Our fall unfortunately has been far swifter than that past improvement.
It's true that Liverpool aren't on the same level as the biggest clubs in the world anymore, and it remains an uncomfortable possibility that we'll never get back there again. The disastrous former owners almost ensured that this would happen, we just haven't felt any massive relief or optimism about it for any length of time because we are still teetering around the abyss on the field. However, if we pull it together, which I believe we will, and even with sound ownership, which I believe we have, there's a lot of work to be done, and there's a lot more competition now.
It's predictable shit in the press, where you are only as good in the press as your recent performances. However this time around there is some wierd tendency to apologize for the manager. They posit that we were ruined by our past manager, who succeeded, while simultaneously arguing our recent success is not attributable to our current manager, who oversaw virtually all the significant transfers that differentiate his new, shitter team, from the past team. Somehow his place of birth, old face, and willingness to make boring sermons on mediocrity somehow evokes sympathy from those who don't give a shit about the success of Liverpool.
It's like watching a rabbit get killed by a wolf in some nature documentary. You know it was the oldest, stupidest, slowest rabbit. But as it inevitably stumbles and is overcome, there's always someone who thinks, "oh isn't that awful". We'll it's not awful, as I take one look at his bejowled face, caught in the maw of some great beast, already drooling at the prospect of its still writhing prey, as Hodgson rubs his eyes in shock at just how vicious the world is, and how incapable he is on every level to face it, I think GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLUB, and watch as eventually his vertebrae sever his spinal column as he is ragg dolled first this way, then that... oh, I've lost myself.
Oh yea, Lawrie Sanchez is a cunt.