Any guys on here who can point me in the right direction..
Following on from my previous thread, I need to apply for Ward of Court/ Court Appointed Deputy..
Social Services are saying my daughter who has complex learning difficulties is capable of making her own decision
However her own decisions are continually putting her at risk.. As she is unable to make decisions without support of understanding what those decisions entail..
4 safe guarding incidents have happened in the space of 3 weeks, whilst she is under the care of the local authority, Its only me that addressed the issues appropriately, whilst Social Services wear their incorrect assessment in their right hand, get it wrong..
However I am apparently in breach of the Mental Capacity Act, for the action I took.. However if I continued down the slippery slope of Social services ways, lord know what would of happened to my daughter..
My daughter has obsessive behaviour, which as she gets older puts her further at risk as the obsessions become more dangerous. She has been stalking individuals, who have been exploiting her vulnerabilities.. Her obsession is the need for a boyfriend. However her idealism is from a twelve year old perspective, the adult is from and adult perspective. The extent she has gone to fulfil this obsession is unbelievable to the point im being called by the dirty basterd individuals who I've told to back off, calling me, saying she won't leave them alone
Her obsessions are so severe it stops her from completing every day tasks without support.. She is 19 and has a mental age of 12..
I need legal help desperately.. As I cannot trust Social Services to act appropriately within her best interests
Following on from my previous thread, I need to apply for Ward of Court/ Court Appointed Deputy..
Social Services are saying my daughter who has complex learning difficulties is capable of making her own decision
However her own decisions are continually putting her at risk.. As she is unable to make decisions without support of understanding what those decisions entail..
4 safe guarding incidents have happened in the space of 3 weeks, whilst she is under the care of the local authority, Its only me that addressed the issues appropriately, whilst Social Services wear their incorrect assessment in their right hand, get it wrong..
However I am apparently in breach of the Mental Capacity Act, for the action I took.. However if I continued down the slippery slope of Social services ways, lord know what would of happened to my daughter..
My daughter has obsessive behaviour, which as she gets older puts her further at risk as the obsessions become more dangerous. She has been stalking individuals, who have been exploiting her vulnerabilities.. Her obsession is the need for a boyfriend. However her idealism is from a twelve year old perspective, the adult is from and adult perspective. The extent she has gone to fulfil this obsession is unbelievable to the point im being called by the dirty basterd individuals who I've told to back off, calling me, saying she won't leave them alone
Her obsessions are so severe it stops her from completing every day tasks without support.. She is 19 and has a mental age of 12..
I need legal help desperately.. As I cannot trust Social Services to act appropriately within her best interests