Let's see how this goes .... I'll begin
Two Republicans are walking down the road in Belfast when they see a guy standing against a wall.
"An ceapann tú go bhfuil an fear sin san U.V.F.?"
"Ni ceapaim"
Two hydrogen atoms are walking along, and one of them says to the other: "Damn! I just lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "I'm positive."
Why do elephants have big ears?
Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom.
What does a bee have in common with a Mercedes?
They both make Royal Jelly.
A woman is touring Germany. She is walking down the street when a sleazy guy jumps out of an alley and opens his raincoat. "Ewww," she shrieks. "That's gross." "Danke schoen," he says.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Objective case.
Objective case who?
Two Republicans are walking down the road in Belfast when they see a guy standing against a wall.
"An ceapann tú go bhfuil an fear sin san U.V.F.?"
"Ni ceapaim"
Two hydrogen atoms are walking along, and one of them says to the other: "Damn! I just lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "I'm positive."
Why do elephants have big ears?
Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom.
What does a bee have in common with a Mercedes?
They both make Royal Jelly.
A woman is touring Germany. She is walking down the street when a sleazy guy jumps out of an alley and opens his raincoat. "Ewww," she shrieks. "That's gross." "Danke schoen," he says.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Objective case.
Objective case who?