This post is inspired by the impending nuptials of this woman:
To this man:
She is Natalie Sawyer.
He is Sam Matterface.
That's right.
I only pray she keeps her name (professionally).
He must be absolutely HILARIOUS, or something, because......ya know, she's.....YA KNOW, and he's.....ya know !
Here's another" What The Fuck" couple...
Courtney Cox. Monica from 'Friends'. Hot.
Married to.....
David Arquette. Errrmm.....oh yeah, he's in 'Scream'. Not hot.
Obviously, I'm being superficial and terribly shallow, but, feel free too add "WTF!" couples of your own.
Also, has anyone any real life experience of this phenomenon ?
Let us share.
To this man:
She is Natalie Sawyer.
He is Sam Matterface.
That's right.
I only pray she keeps her name (professionally).
He must be absolutely HILARIOUS, or something, because......ya know, she's.....YA KNOW, and he's.....ya know !
Here's another" What The Fuck" couple...
Courtney Cox. Monica from 'Friends'. Hot.
Married to.....
David Arquette. Errrmm.....oh yeah, he's in 'Scream'. Not hot.
Obviously, I'm being superficial and terribly shallow, but, feel free too add "WTF!" couples of your own.
Also, has anyone any real life experience of this phenomenon ?
Let us share.