How cool is it to have a language with so many superfluous letters, I love the uselessness of them and how confused Foreigners (silent "g"😉 get when pronouncing words.
My ex who is Czech (apparently EVERY word in Czech is pronounced as it is spelled) and her Czech mates are very funny when they pronounce WeDnesday or SaLmon and I had tears in my eyes the first time my ex attempted to put the "n" on the end of autumn.
Knickers, gnome, pneumonia I love 'em all.
I want to change my name to Zpeter so when someone is filling in my name and they start P..E , I can interrupt and say no it's Zpeter the Z is silent. I might even add a silent letter on the end as well. Zpetern
Not a lot to discuss I know but I just wanted some 6cm appreciation of silent letters.
My ex who is Czech (apparently EVERY word in Czech is pronounced as it is spelled) and her Czech mates are very funny when they pronounce WeDnesday or SaLmon and I had tears in my eyes the first time my ex attempted to put the "n" on the end of autumn.
Knickers, gnome, pneumonia I love 'em all.
I want to change my name to Zpeter so when someone is filling in my name and they start P..E , I can interrupt and say no it's Zpeter the Z is silent. I might even add a silent letter on the end as well. Zpetern
Not a lot to discuss I know but I just wanted some 6cm appreciation of silent letters.