Do you have a haircut ?
Since the turn of the year, the fuhrer ( lovely Missus) has nigh on demanded I get a haircut on a more or less, four weekly cycle. To be fair the lass that cuts it does an ace job and the end results are decent but:
A) i used to get haircuts on a quarterly basis.
B) it's getting expensive
C)I dont think ive ever heard of anyone getting a chop that frequently.
Since the turn of the year, the fuhrer ( lovely Missus) has nigh on demanded I get a haircut on a more or less, four weekly cycle. To be fair the lass that cuts it does an ace job and the end results are decent but:
A) i used to get haircuts on a quarterly basis.
B) it's getting expensive
C)I dont think ive ever heard of anyone getting a chop that frequently.