Anyone else hear it? Someone on TLW, worked for/with the club in some capacity, previously a huge cheerleader for Tom Werner, took a phone call from him last week sounding him about a u-turn and a groundshare proposal, Cue much shrieking and then an angry resignation.
What a shambles this club is. Lies, lies and more lies. The supporters of this club have always been treated like shit, we put up with it because its in our blood, we adore this club,yet we are lied to all the time.
I've sent my final emails to FSG and Ayre, the whole lot of them can rot in hell. Lies, lies, lies.
What did Ayre say in the SI interview "an announcement on the stadium will come May/June" The fans hope its great news. Why was i called this week and asked about ground share?
I was asked on Tuesday about ground share. Why can't it happen, I was given an example of the Mets(no idea on their stadium) one week its green seats the next whatever.
Yet again I said its a tribal thing and can't happen, he said well they wouldn't have their half anyway. Why ask me then?
Would supporters not want a shared stadium then sit in a 45,000 Anfield i was asked.
The reason they will go ground share and tried to test me is because it gives them a better return once the sell in 3/10 years time.