What do you think, can the Euro survive? Should it survive?
Many financial "experts" (particularly in The States) are now predicting the demise of the Euro and suggesting this was inevitable because apparently it is nigh on impossible to share a currency without centralising the vast majority of governmental decisions.
The question seems now to be not "if a country pulls out of the Euro" but "when & how" because it's never been done before and there's no blueprint. It will be expensive for a country to withdraw from the Euro but it will give that country back control of it's currency and therefore the ability to attract foreign investment - and if one country does then the floodgates will surely open.
This morning on CNBC a German financial expert mentioned that Germans are trading out of the Euro in record numbers. It is not a positive sign if the citizens of the largest Euro-zone country are deserting it. The financial markets have been in free-fall for the last 3 days since Angela Merkel warned of the possible end of the currency.
Do you think the Euro will exist in 2 years time?
Many financial "experts" (particularly in The States) are now predicting the demise of the Euro and suggesting this was inevitable because apparently it is nigh on impossible to share a currency without centralising the vast majority of governmental decisions.
The question seems now to be not "if a country pulls out of the Euro" but "when & how" because it's never been done before and there's no blueprint. It will be expensive for a country to withdraw from the Euro but it will give that country back control of it's currency and therefore the ability to attract foreign investment - and if one country does then the floodgates will surely open.
This morning on CNBC a German financial expert mentioned that Germans are trading out of the Euro in record numbers. It is not a positive sign if the citizens of the largest Euro-zone country are deserting it. The financial markets have been in free-fall for the last 3 days since Angela Merkel warned of the possible end of the currency.
Do you think the Euro will exist in 2 years time?