Robbie Fowler returns
LFC vs Brum - the second coming of Robbie Fowler!
First goal
213 fulham
Second goal
214 west bromwich
Third goal
215 bolton
Fourth goal
216 blackburn
Fifth goal
217 portsmouth
Sixth goal
218 sheffield united
7th goal
219 reading
8th goal
9th goal
221 galatasaray
10th goal
222 arsenal
11th goal
223 sheffield united
12th goal
224 sheffield united
If you decide to reply, please don't quote just refer to the goal.
LFC vs Brum - the second coming of Robbie Fowler!
First goal
213 fulham
Second goal
214 west bromwich
Third goal
215 bolton
Fourth goal
216 blackburn
Fifth goal
217 portsmouth
Sixth goal
218 sheffield united
7th goal
219 reading
8th goal
9th goal
221 galatasaray
10th goal
222 arsenal
11th goal
223 sheffield united
12th goal
224 sheffield united
If you decide to reply, please don't quote just refer to the goal.