Myself and my mate have spent the best part of the day making our first batch.
There was no kit or extract used, just barley, hops and yeast.
We were hoping to make an IPA style summer ale but goodness knows what it will turn out like.
It looks like it is going to be stong though as the sugar content was high prior to the frermentation process.
It was a bit of craic and while some of the processes certainly need refining, we will probablly have another couple of goes unless the end product is totally un drinkable. Which is highly unlikely seeing that it will be me that is drinking it. 😉
Anyone ever tried it?
There was no kit or extract used, just barley, hops and yeast.
We were hoping to make an IPA style summer ale but goodness knows what it will turn out like.
It looks like it is going to be stong though as the sugar content was high prior to the frermentation process.
It was a bit of craic and while some of the processes certainly need refining, we will probablly have another couple of goes unless the end product is totally un drinkable. Which is highly unlikely seeing that it will be me that is drinking it. 😉
Anyone ever tried it?