Just please do not do this. I promise you that Father Christmas will collapse your wave function and leave you in a bad place.
- Your possible futures are numerous. Let us assume 100 possibilities.
- The universe will randomly select one of those futures for you.
- Some of the selections are "good" and some are let us say "bad".
- If you chat shit about the universe, you will get banged by the universe.
Let me elaborate. If you think we're not cursed, and then nothing bad happens to us, what next? I'll tell you what next, your range of possible reactions is very limited, you might not even have a reaction. So those "good" paths are going to number in the 20's. If, on the other hand, something bad happens against your belief that we're not cursed, your reactions will go on tilt, they'll be unpredictable, you'll move around, shake, be agitated, shout at lots of people, get into situations that you shouldn't. Do you see? Now the "bad" paths are going to number in the 70's.
So let's make sure we're clear about the mathematics. When the universe randomly selects your future for you, you've got a 70% chance of being bent over and sodomized. All because you thought you're a clever atheist or scientist who doesn't believe in santa. Well fuck you. In this universe I am God and I have spoken. Don't jinx shit. Ever. Don't put yourself in a position to get slapped across the face. Ever. Just shut the fuck up and keep as calm as possible. That's how you close the discrepancy between the number of "good" and "bad" paths available to you.