Badly fucking me off tho all these jarg vibes getting lashed about la. Like i know half of them or prob even more than half are full on tongue in arse cheek but like. Luis Suarez plays for us. We’ve just lashed 100 mill on people than can actually pass the ball and then move. Carroll is a fucking monster. We’ve not sold a player yet (bar a bald headed left footed BELLEND) because every other team buys at the fucking end of the window, our business in the window is deffo not over. We’re gonna be getting two more players at least an pos another striker. An all these blerts that now play for us wanna play for us. An they’re all being told what to do by Kenny ‘kin Dalglish. An our owners arnt thick robbing cunts.
Seriously anyone that thinks abaa the up coming season with a negativity that out weights the almost child like excitement that should be felt is a full on bellend. We’re gonna kill giants and twat weaker mings off the pitch.
Whaaart! WHAAAAAART! I wanna do war crys. I wanna go to away games and spark everyone. I cant wait for the fucking season to start.
Seriously anyone that thinks abaa the up coming season with a negativity that out weights the almost child like excitement that should be felt is a full on bellend. We’re gonna kill giants and twat weaker mings off the pitch.
Whaaart! WHAAAAAART! I wanna do war crys. I wanna go to away games and spark everyone. I cant wait for the fucking season to start.