Anger over 'gay' elephant
WARSAW - A POLISH politician has criticised his local zoo for acquiring a 'gay' elephant named Ninio who prefers male companions and will probably not procreate, local media reported on Friday.
'We didn't pay 37 million zlotys (S$16.7 million) for the largest elephant house in Europe to have a gay elephant live there,' Michal Grzes, a conservative councillor in the city of Poznan in western Poland, was quoted as saying.
'We were supposed to have a herd, but as Ninio prefers male friends over females how will he produce offspring?' said Mr Grzes, who is from the right-wing opposition Law and Justice party.
The head of the Poznan zoo said 10-year-old Ninio may be too young to decide whether he prefers males or females as elephants only reach sexual maturity at 14. -- REUTERS
I never knew elephants cost that much.